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*Judicial candidates seeking endorsements from political entities can undermine the perception of judicial independence. If judges appear to be influenced by or beholden to political figures or parties, their decisions might be seen as biased, threatening the principles of impartiality and fairness.

As a candidate for the judiciary, I firmly believe in maintaining the independence and impartiality of our courts. Therefore, I have chosen not to seek endorsements from any partisan political organizations, including the legislative and executive branches of government.

The judiciary is the third branch of government and must remain independent from the other branches. Judges must ensure the appearance of fairness in all situations. To demonstrate this independence, I will not seek endorsements from either the legislative or executive branches, including elected mayors, sheriffs, or council members.

  • Legislative Branch: Legislators make laws, and we interpret and apply them as judges. If a law is deemed unconstitutional, it is our duty to rule it as such without fear or favor.
  • Executive Branch: This branch enforces the laws. The governor appoints judges when vacancies occur, the attorney general may bring lawsuits and represent the state, and prosecutors appear criminally and civilly in courts.

Given the potential for these branches to appear before me as your next judge, I believe avoiding any appearance of partiality is crucial. I choose to lead with integrity and impartiality, seeking only the endorsement of the people I serve.

Reflecting on my prior race, I realized that seeking and receiving endorsements from partisan organizations distracted and compromised the judicial role's essential impartiality. False statements led to endorsements being rescinded, highlighting the potential influence of political entities over judicial independence. My judicial canons confirm that my duty is to the people and the law, not to political organizations.

Judges must uphold their canons, ensuring fairness and impartiality without the influence of political endorsements. Accepting endorsements from political figures could compromise a judge's duty to rule impartially, potentially swaying decisions due to the pressure of maintaining political support.

The integrity of the judiciary is essential for public trust. Our founding fathers established a system of checks and balances with three separate branches of government to protect this very principle. Intermingling these branches through political endorsements blurs the lines of judiciary independence and harms public trust in legal impartiality.

I run on my record of upholding the law and the State and Federal Constitutions. I am committed to remaining unbiased and to interpreting the law impartially. My experience and commitment to doing the right thing, without fear or favor, will guide my actions as your next judge in Snohomish County Superior Court.

With honor and integrity,

*While I previously sought and received endorsements based on the advice of political consultants, I have decided not to pursue endorsements. This decision reflects my commitment to an independent and impartial judicial role, free from outside influences. I believe my qualifications and dedication to justice will speak for themselves, and I choose to focus on serving the community and upholding the integrity of the judicial office.

Judicial Ratings

*Judicial Ratings are impartial evaluations and are not considered formal endorsements by the organizations listed below.

  • Exceptionally Well Qualified, Loren Miller Bar Association
  • Well Qualified, Joint Asian Judicial Evaluation Committee
  • Asian Bar Association of Washington
  • Filipino Lawyers of Washington
  • Korean American Bar Association of Washington
  • South Asian Bar Alliance of Washington
  • Vietnamese-American Bar Association of Washington
  • Middle Eastern Legal Association of Washington
  • Well Qualified, Q-Law: The LGBT Bar Association of Washington

Paid for By:
The Committee to Elect Mary Anderson
PO Box 13481 • Mill Creek, WA 98082
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